Technology & Innovation

Technology & Innovation

採用高效能之超輕身彈性快乾和抗菌用料,能迅速將皮膚的汗水帶走,保持舒適和乾爽觸感。其獨特的編織方法,在穿著時有冰涼Ice Touch的感覺。

CoolMax 是一種極度排汗快乾的布料,當身體出汗時能把汗水從皮膚盡快帶走,運送到衣物的表面,加速蒸發。CoolMax 比起一般棉質快乾達五倍之多,是很好的底層衣服,特別是在耗氧大的運動時。CoolMax 的優點包括:乾爽、透氣、不粘身、柔軟及不易變形。

舒適的全方位彈力纖維有通爽快乾和彈性功能,具有舒適及伸縮自如的彈性,柔軟細密的觸感,非常適合夏日服裝的用料上應用。全方位彈力纖維,具備Nylon柔軟觸感和抗撕裂的特性,能對抗戶外運動中經常性的移動或摩擦,增加服裝的耐用度,具天然棉感、穿著舒適 。

EASY PACK反摺收納系統:應用於羽絨睡袋、防風外套以及輕便旅行袋,讓用家可隨時因應需要收納,方便出遊時攜帶。如睡袋尾部設有拉鍊袋,能快速地把整個睡袋收藏於袋內,體積輕巧扁平,方便收藏,亦可變作為枕頭、坐墊及腰墊。而且可以將睡袋輕易存放在背囊的底部位置,有效利用背囊空間,亦可以快速提取睡袋。

使用睡袋時一定要選較貼身才能發揮最大的保暖功能,但市面上的睡袋大部分都是只有固定尺寸。Re:echo的創新意念貼合每個香港人需要,每個睡袋均設有Easy Fit System,用家可輕鬆地調節適合自己的身型長度,發揮每個睡袋最佳的保暖效果。



Anti-Bacteria: 防止細菌滋生,有效除去汗味

Anti-Static: 使衣物于會因靜電而緊貼身體,保持舒適

UPF15: 有效反特紫外線,防止曬傷

Reflective Logo: 加強晚間活動安全性

Extreme Series為專業登山、探險旅遊而研發,無論功能、設計和物料都經過野外專家所測試,用家面對惡劣和極端環境,也得到全面的保護。

Re:echo的 Performance系列強調靈活性,透過專業的技術和嶄新的設計,使服裝提供卓越的透氣性和彈性,為參與高強度戶外運動和各項競賽的用家強化運動表現和。當中以CS壓力褲系列、Transition Jacket、Momentum/Dynamic Performance Shield等最為矚目。

Re:echo 又一創新之作 — VersaTech布料,擁有優越的透氣度及防水度,並加強耐磨的特性,使布料能在防水、透氣、耐磨中取得平衡,在香港獨特的天氣,能全面發揮布料的卓越功能,隨時隨地都能保持最佳效能。

Re:echo 本著以人為本,不斷創新的精神,獨家自行研發防風雨全天候防水物料Rescroptech,擁有無與倫比的特性,不但輕巧耐磨,並具有卓越的透氣度及防水度,縱使在惡劣的天氣下亦能保持良好狀態。

PrimaLoft® is a brand of patented synthetic microfiber thermal insulation material that was developed for the United States Army in the 1980s. It was proven to provide an equally efficient thermal barrier, be of equivalent density, possess similar compressional properties, he improved wetting and drying characteristics, and have superior loft retention when wet. PrimaLoft is able to retain 96% of its insulating capability when wet by maintaining its loft, and therefore is used in clothing and equipment intended to be used in cold, wet conditions, such as jackets, parkas, gloves, sleeping bags and footwear.

DownTek Water repellent down
Down has excellent thermal properties, has a light and high compressibility characteristics, is the best material for warm jackets and sleeping bags. The only weakness is the warmth greatly reduced when in the wet conditions. To cope with the changing outdoor environment, Re:echo is the first Hong Kong Brand to use DownTek ™, its revolutionary water-resistant nano-technology to make down has water-resistant properties, can in water or wet, they also need to be able to continue keep warm.

This nano technology also provides antibacterial function, even face extreme wet weather still maintain thermal effects.