

  1. 顧客享有七天購物保障。憑有效及完整RE:ECHO正本收據,可於購買日起計七天內進行換貨。
  2. 除品質問題外,每張發票只可申請換貨一次。
  3. 需更換之貨品必須未經清洗、修改、穿著或使用,保持全新、完整及整潔狀態,吊牌尚未被剪下和原包裝(如有) 完好無損。
  4. 任何情況下,零售價七折 (即折扣金額大於百分之三十) 以下之特價貨品、使用積分之交易、陳列品、樣辦貨品及已標明有瑕疵之貨品都不設退貨或換貨。
  5. 使用任何優惠券或商場提供之優惠後,恕不能申請退換貨服務。
  6. 因衛生理由,個人貼身物品包括但不限於內衣、內褲、襪子、緊身服、童裝服飾及泳裝等,恕不退換。
  7. 如所換的貨品的金額低於原本貨品的金額,差額恕不退還;如高於購買原本貨品的價格,顧客則需補回差額。
  8. 以信用卡方式付款之交易(包括非接觸式或流動支付),退款時請同時出示信用卡正本收據及消費時所使用的信用卡。
  9. 信用卡退款處理手續一般需時約六至八個星期退回至同一信用卡帳戶內,實際到帳時間因應不同銀行的處理程序可能會延遲或撥至信用卡下期結單內,如因此而招致任何額外的利息、費用及收費本公司概不負責。
  10. 消費時若有贈送任何優惠券及贈品等,退換貨時須一併退回。
  11. 條款及細則如有任何更改,恕不另行通知。若有任何爭議,Re:echo Asia Pacific Limited保留最終的決定權。

Sales Policies

  1. RE:ECHO promises to provide you a “7-days shopping guarantee” . You can exchange the product(s) by presenting a valid and complete original RE:ECHO receipt within 7 days of order receipt date.
  2. Each invoice can only be exchanged once except quality issue.
  3. Product(s) could not be exchanged if it is washed, altered, worn or used. The product(s) must be new, complete and tidy. Tags and original packaging (if any) are intact.
  4. Return(s) or exchange(s) shall not be accepted for the item’s amount is below 70% of retail price (the discount is greater than 30% of retail price), transaction with using bonus points, sample items, display item(s) and discounted defective item(s).
  5. Return(s) and exchange(s) shall not be accepted after using any coupon(s) or shopping mall promotion.
  6. For hygienic purposes, inner wears including, but are not limited to, underwear, swimwear, socks, leggings, baby items and tights items are not allowed to refund or exchange.
  7. If the price of the exchanged item(s) is lower than the original item(s), the difference shall not be refunded; if the price of the exchanged item(s) is higher than the original item(s), the customer shall be charged for the difference.
  8. For payments made with credit card (including contactless or mobile payment), please present the original card receipt and the same credit card for refund.
  9. Credit card refund usually takes around 6 to 8 weeks, however, the actual refund date may be delayed or shown on the next credit card statement due to different banks’ processing procedures. RE:ECHO shall not be responsible for any additional interest, fees and charges that incurred by this issues.
  10. Any coupons or gifts accompanied by the product(s) shall be returned upon exchange or refund.
  11. The terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. In case of dispute, the decision of RE:ECHO ASIA PACIFIC LIMITED shall be final.