

  1. 維修及保養屬預約服務,憑有效及完整正本收據及保養卡(如有),電郵至warranty@acu.com.hk預約,如有查詢可聯絡原購買貨品之門市職員。
  2. 部份品牌貨品由供應商直接處理維修及保養,顧客需自行聯絡供應商安排相關事宜,本公司不提供委託安排服務。
  3. 未有預約或即場申請的維修及保養服務,需額外繳付港幣三佰元正之行政及存倉費用。
  4. 本公司會對申請維修及保養之貨品進行檢測和評估,並且有權就維修事項的實際情況決定接納或拒絕申請。而維修及保養服務範圍只限產品功能,不包括外觀和美學。
  5. 被維修及保養之貨品可能會被收取費用或不獲接受申請處理,原因包括但不限於為樣辦貨品、已標明有瑕疵之貨品、未依說明書使用、不正確使用、屬意外或人為損壞、沒有合適零件、自然損耗及老化(如防水塗層及表層物料脫落、布料褪色及變色)等情況。
  6. 為確保貨品品質,本公司有權拒絕曾經第三方自行修改或加工的貨品進行維修及保養申請。
  7. 申請維修及保養之貨品必須是已清洗、乾淨及沒有異味,並且已清除所有雜物 (包括但不限於沙石、垃圾及塵垢等等)。
  8. 顧客有責任檢查清楚被維修及保養之貨品內沒有任何私人及貴重品物。如有任何損毀及遺失,公司概不負責。
  9. 被更換之貨品及相關配件恕不退回。
  10. 獲接納維修及保養之貨品將有RE:ECHO維修單據,顧客憑此單據可於本公司通知後取回完成維修之貨品。
  11. 顧客需於維修單據上清楚填寫相關個人及貨品資料,如因資料不清楚或錯誤而導致維修有誤或延遲,本公司概不負責。
  12. 顧客需妥善保管維修單據,如因任何原因而未能出示維修單據,包括但不限於遺失、被盜取及損毀等等,本公司概不負責。
  13. 本公司會於接納維修及保養服務申請後通知顧客有關維修貨品之所需時間,而被維修及保養之貨品一般約需三十至一百二十天之處理時間。貨品維修之所需時間可能就不同因素包括但不限於維修及保養之難易度、採購配件及運輸等等而延長。
  14. 完成或被拒絕維修之貨品需於本公司通知取貨第一天起計三十日內取走,逾期領取者需付港幣三佰元存倉費用。如超過通知取貨起計六十天後仍未領取貨品則視顧客放棄取件,貨品將被棄掉處理並不作任何通知及賠償。
  15. 避免因任何情況及原因未能聯絡成功,顧客亦有責任於本公司接納貨品維修及保養申請後三十天仍未收到進一步聯絡及跟進,請主動與本公司聯絡查詢進度。
  16. 條款及細則如有任何更改,恕不另行通知。若有任何爭議,Re:echo Asia Pacific Limited保留最終的決定權。

Warranty Policies

  1. Appointment for any warranty is a must at RE:ECHO. Customers shall send an email (warranty@acu.com.hk) to us as making an appointment for this service. In the email customers must include a valid and complete original receiptand maintenance card (if any). For any other inquiries, you may contact our store staff for further help.
  2. The warranty of some products is directly handled by the designated suppliers. Customers are needed to make an appointment with that supplier for warranty service. RE:ECHO does not provide any entrusted services for customers to arrange these warranty service with the designated suppliers.
  3. Customers shall be charged HK$300 forthe administrative and storage fee if they request for a walk-in booking for the warranty.
  4. RE:ECHO shall test and evaluate the product that applied for repair and maintenance, and has the right to decide whether to accept or reject the application based on the actual condition of the repair. The scope of repair and maintenance services is limited to product function, not including appearance and aesthetics.
  5. The warranty shall not apply and the repair charges shall be separately quoted for the reason(s) including, but are not limited to, sample products, defective items,improper care, accidents, malicious acts, lack of spare parts, normal wear and tear or normal ageing of the product (E.g. Waterproof seam Tape and membrane damage, surface material falls off, fading and discoloration of fabric etc.)
  6. To ensure the quality of the product, RE:ECHO has the right to refuse the application for repair and maintenance of the product that has been modified or processed by a third party.
  7. The products for warranty must be washed, clean and free of odor, and no any miscellaneous (including, but are not limited to, sand, rubbish and dust, etc.).
  8. Customers need to remove all personal belongings and valuables before sending to RE:ECHO or authorized manufacturer for the warranty. RE:ECHO shall not be responsible or compensate for any damages or losses.
  9. All changed products and parts are non-returnable.
  10. Customers can retrieve the repaired product(s) with presenting RE:ECHO valid and complete Repair Record Form after received a notification of completion of repairs from “RE:ECHO.
  11. Customers must provide up-to-dates and clear products and personal information on the Repair Record Form. RE:ECHO shall not be responsible for any losses or delays incurred by unclear and incorrect information.
  12. Repaired products shall not be claimed if the Repair Record Form cannot be presented for any reasons, including, but not limited to, loss, stolen and damaged.
  13. Customers shall be informed the expected date of retrieving the repairs after RE:ECHO accepted the warranty application. Generally, the warranty shall take around 30 to 120 days for repairment, however, it may need longer times for any reasons, including, but are not limited to, difficulty, procurement of exchange parts and the time of transportation.
  14. Products that have been repaired or rejected must be picked up within 30 days from the first day the company notifies customer of picking up the goods, otherwise, customers shall be charged HK$300 for the administrative and storage fees. The repaired product(s) shall be discarded without any notices if customers haven’t been retrieved over than 60 days.
  15. Customers are requested to track their repairs with us after 30 days sending out their repairs if they have not received any warranty follow-up messages.
  16. The terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. In case of dispute, the decision of RE:ECHO ASIA PACIFIC LIMITED shall be final.